Working Hours

Mon-Sun : 9am-5pm

Call Center

07762 310338

Who We Are

RedLine Recruitment LTD

RedLine Recruitment LTD it is new launched in 2024 by Directors ALEXANDRA VLAD and CATALIN VLAD.

Them passion for relationships and delivering quality results ,saw them strive to create a recruitment agency with a culture people enjoyed being a part of , either as a client , candidate or employee.

RedLine Recruitment LTD , providing both permanent and temporary placements.

Exellent Service

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Connecting You to Career Success

,, After eight years working as an employee, I had a vision to create an organisation that acted as a true partener to construction a business and helped drive their success.

I also had a passion to help people progress their career and a passion to make a difference and to create positive change in the lives of everyone we work with us.

There was nothing more exciting to me and for my partner then helping all the people how wants collaborate with us.

I want to inspire and nurture each employee to achieve their own aspirations and enable them to remove any roadblock that would prevent them from achieving success.

As a business we have always focused on relationships , we always tell our teams to put themselves in their stakeholder’s shoes , if they were the candidate , think about who they would personally want to be employed by , if they were the client , which candidates would they want employ ? We want the best for all paties involved.

If both the clients and the candidates are happy , then we are happy ! “